TET English Pedagogy Study Material

1. Language is primarily ……….
1) Speech 2) Sign 3) Gesture 4) Sound

2. The statement ‘Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals and in intellect’ refers to ……….
1) Woods Despatch – 1854
2) Mecaulay’s Minute – 1835
3) Michael Sadler – 1917
4) University commission – 1902

3. The first language Institute in India was established ……….
1) in Allahabad in 1954
2) in Hyderabad in 1958
3) in Bangalore in 1963
4) in Mysore in 1971

4. ‘Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication’ said by ……….
1) Webster’s Dictionary 2) Wardhaugh
3) Sapir 4) Otto Jesperson

5. The first English Dictionary ……….
1) Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary
2) Webster’s Dictionary
3) A Table Alphabetical
4) Oxford Dictionary

6. Match the following.
1) Phonology a) the system of meaning
2) Morphology b) the system of word order
3) Syntax c) the system of sounds
4) Semantics d) the system of words
1) 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-d
2) 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d
3) 1-c 2-d 3-a 4-b
4) 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a

7. The status of ‘Library Language’ was given to English by ……….
1) Prof Gokak Committee
2) Sadler’s Committee
3) Kothari Commission
4) Mudaliar Commission

8. Fathers of Listening ……….
1) James Brown, Ralph Nichols, Carl Weaver
2) Rodger Richards, M.Rivers, Ralph Nichols
3) Carl Weaver, Wohin and Coakley, Krashen
4) Fan Yagnag, Dunkel, Morley

9. Something that deals with procedure and steps followed by the teacher in the language teaching is ……….
1) an approach 2) a method 3) a technique 4) a strategy

10. Remedial teaching is intended to……….
1) revise the topics taught
2) diagnose the difficult areas and plan for learning experiences
3) revise the curriculum
4) change the teaching techniques

11. Example for ‘Structural Words’ ……….
1) determiners
2) helping verbs
3) prepositions and conjunctions
4) all the above

12. The use of Mother Tongue is allowed to be used by the teacher alone in ………. method
1) Direct 2) GT 3) Bilingual 4) Total Physical Response

13. A file/ folder with a collection of learner’s work assembled over a period of time is called ……….
1) Dairy 2) Journal writing 3) Portfolio 4) Narratives

14. The three ‘S’s of Reading are ……….
1) Symbol, Sound and Shape
2) Symbol, Shape and Sense
3) Sound, Symbol and Shape
4) Symbol, Sound and Sense

15. Reading for gist is called ……….
1) Organising 2) Predicting 3) Scanning 4) Skimming

16. Explaining the causes and effects of pollution is an example for ……….
1) Descriptive writing
2) Persuasive writing
3) Expository writing
4) Narrative writing

17. ‘Prose is the words in their best order’ was said by ……….
1) Mathew Arnold 2) S.T. Coleridge
3) Tennyson 4) Francis Bacon

18. Pupils try to understand some words which they come across either in listening or reading, but they don’t need to use them. Such
type of vocabulary is ……….
1) Active Vocabulary
2) Adhoc Vocabulary
3) Recognition Vocabulary
4) None of the above

19. A Scaled down version of the internship Programme of teacher training is known as ……….
1) Team Teaching
2) Micro Teaching
3) Pedagogic teaching
4) Learner centred teaching

20. Coming back on the print to check previous words is ……….
1) Sub vocalisation 2) Regrouping 3) Redundancy 4) Regression

21. Basic English was introduced by ……….
1) H.E. Palmer 2) Ogden 3) Jesperson 4) Thorndike

22. Telephonic Conversation is an example for ……….
1) Intra – Personal Communication
2) Inter – Personal Communication
3) Group Communication
4) Mass Communication

23. Findout the Labio-dental Consonants in the following.
1) /p/ /b/ 2) /f/ /v/ 3) /s/ /z/ 4) /t/ /dz/

24. The earlier inhabitants of British Isles ……….
1) Normans 2) Angles 3) Saxons 4) Celts

25. ‘Beowulf’ was written in ……….
1) Middle English 2) Old English 3) Modern English 4) Greek

26. The following one is the best explanation for the term ‘curriculum’ ……….
1) an organised plan of a course
2) an academic foundation
3) an evaluation process
4) a process of learning

27. The term ‘communicative competence’ was coined by ……….
1) Hymes 2) Canale and Swain 3) Chomsky 4) Keith Morrow

28. Read the following set of words. Some – Sum
Now select the right option to which they belong ……….
1) Synonyms 2) Hypernyms 3) Homophones 4) Homonyms

29. Diary writing of a student could be used in ……….
1) Summative Evaluation
2) Analytical Evaluation
3) Critical Evaluation
4) Formative Evaluation

30. The principal motto of child centred education proposed by NCF-2005 is to ……….
1) all round development of the child
2) link with life outside the school
3) promote knowledge in all spheres
4) Facilitate activity oriented education

31. Glancing rapidly through a text to obtain specific information is ……….
1) skimming 2) scanning 3) predicting 4) interpreting

32. Intonation refers to ……….
1) stress on words
2) variation in pitch of the voice
3) the degree of force on sentences
4) a convenient breath group

33. Transformational Generative Grammar was developed by ……….
1) Chomsky 2) Widdowson 3) Halliday 4) Canale

34. Match the following.
1) GT- Method a) Emphasis on Listening
2) Direct Method b) Fluency and Accuracy
3) Bilingual Method c) A bond between thought and expression
4) Total Physical d) Excessive use of response mother tongue
1) 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-a
2) 1-d 2-c 3-a 4-b
3) 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a
4) None

ANSWERS : 1)1 2)2 3)1 4)2 5)3 6)4 7)3 8)1 9)2 10)2 11)4 12)3 13)3 14)4 15)4 16)3 17)2 18)3 19)2 20)4 21)2 22)2 23)2 24)4 25)2 26)1 27)1 28)3 29)4 30)2 31)2 32)2 33)1 34)1.

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