EAMCET Zoology Model Questions with Answers

1. Assertion (A): Both Echinodermata and Chordata are classified under the same division Deuterostomia.
Reason (R): In their development mouth forms after the appearance of anus as a second opening.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct. ‘R’ is correct explanation for ‘A’.
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation for ‘A’.
3) A is true but R is false.
4) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are false.

2. Read the following.
I) Large pharynx
II) Numerous gill slits
III) Anterior branchial aperture
IV) Retrogressive metamorphosis
Above characters are related to.
1) Doliolum
2) Oikopleura
3) Herdmania
4) Branchiostoma

3. Match the following.
Scientific Name
A) Conraua
B) Rachophorus
C) Hyla
D) Rana tigrina
Common Name
I) tree frog
II) common Indian frog
III) largest frog
IV) flying frog
V) midwife toad
Choose the correct match.
1) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-V 2) A-III, B-IV, C-V, D-II
3) A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II 4) A-V, B-IV, C-I, D-II

4. Assertion (A): In protostomes the cleavage is determinate type.
Reason (R): Cleavage spindles or planes are oblique to the polar axis.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation for ‘A’.
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct R is correct explanation for A.
3) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are false.
4) A is true but R is flase

6. The vessel which carries blood from gut to liver is.
1) hepatic portal vein
2) hepatic artery
3) hepatic vein
4) bile duct

7. Read the following.
I) Scales absent
II) Cloaca absent
III) Spiracles absent
IV) four pairs of gill slits, operculum present The above description is related to a cartilaginous fish. It is
1) Sea vampire 2) Sting ray 3) Whale shark 4) Rat fish

8. Vocal cords are present in
1) Caecilians 2) Anurans 3) salamanders 4) all amphibians

9. Assertion (A): The names which bear a suffix ‘OIDEA’ represent super family of the classification.
Reason (R): Man belongs to the Order Anthropoidea.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation for ‘A’.
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are false.
3) Both ‘a’ and ‘R’ are correct. R is correct explanation for A.
4) A is true but R is false.

10. Read the following.
I) They have skull
II) Back bone is absent
III) Bony dermal scales
IV) Girdles absent
The above characters belong to
1) Apoda 2) Cyclostomata 3) Acanthodi 4) Ostracodermi

11. Read the following.
I) It has cloaca
II) Respires by two lungs and gill slits.
III) It shows discontinuous distribution.
IV) Dorsal and Ventral fins are united with caudal fin.
The above description is related to.
1) Neoceratodus 2) protopterus 3) Polypterus 4) Lepidosiren

12. Which of the following are most closely related?
1) frogs and salamanders
2) frogs and caecilians
3) frogs and toads
4) caecilians and urodeles

13. Who classified animals into two groups – with blood and without blood?
1) Aristotle 2) Pliny 3) Haeckel 4) Copeland

14. Non ganglionated dorsal nerve cord is present in.
1) Polyplachophora 2) Archiannelida 3) Vertebrate 4) Turbellaria

15. Catadromous migration is shown by.
1) Petromyzon 2) Myxine 3) Lepisosteus 4) Anguilla

16. Indian caudate is.
1) Amphiuma 2) Ambystoma 3) Tylotriton 4) Typhlonectus

17. In 1797, Cuvier proposed the genus Echidna for the spiny anteater. However, Forster had already published the name Echidna in 1777 for a genus of moray eels. In relation with this case identify
the correct option from the following
1) Echidna becomes a senior synonym to moray eels.
2) Echidna is a senior homonym to spiny anteater.
3) For spiny anteater Echidna is junior synonym
4) For moray eels Echidna is a senior homonym.

18. Assertion (A): In Larvaceans gill slits open directly to exterior.
Reason(R): Atrial cavity is absent in them.
1) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct. R is correct explanation for A.
2) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation for ‘A’.
3) A is true but R is false.
4) The statement ‘A’ is false but the statement ‘R’ is true.

19. The eggs of amphibians are
1) Microlecithal 2) Macrolecithal 3) Mesolecithal 4) Centrolecithal

1)1 2)3 3)3 4)1 5)4 6)1 7)4 8)2 9)2 10)4 11)4 12)3 13)1 14)3 15)4 16)3 17)4 18)1 19)3.

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