EAMCET Zoology Model Questions with Answers

1. These are locomotory structures of the protozoans.
A) Pentacronematikc flagellum
B) Reticulopodia
C) Acronematic flagellum
D) Filopudia
Which of the following protozoans possess above mentioned locomotory structures respectively?
1) Urcoelus, Entamoeba, Chilomonas, Actinophrys
2) Urcoelus, Collozoum, Euglena, Amoeba
3) Urcoelus, Globigerina, Chlamydomonas, Englypha.
4) Actinophrys, Monas, Urcoelus, Elphidium.

2. A flagellum may show all of the following types of movements, except:
1) metaboly 2) undular 3) sidewise lash 4) spiral gyration

3. Lateral appendages of flagellum are:
1) singlet and doublet microtubules of the axoneme.
2) radial spokes and dynein arms of the axoneme.
3) flimmers and mastigonemes.
4) basal grannule and rootlets

4. If the lateral appendages and terminal naked axial filament are removed from pantacronematic flagellum, then it would become as:
1) Stichonematic 2) Pantonematic 3) Acronematic 4) Anematic

5. During conjugation of vorticella, new macronuclei in the daughter vorticella, are formed from.
1) micronucleus of macroconjugant directly prior to post conjugation fissions.
2) micronucleus of microconjugant immediately after prezygotic nuclear divisions.
3) migratory pronucleus of macrocongjugant during amphimix is.
4) Synkaryon in the macroconjugant or zygote between the periods of post zygotic nuclear disisions and series of post conjugation

6. Multinucleate daughter individuals are formed by coytoplasmic divisions without nuclear division in:
1) Amoeba 2) Vorticella 3) Opalina 4) Acineta

7. Total number of postzygotic nuclear divisions occuring during conjugation of vorticella is:
1)5 2)7 3)6 4)9

8. Which of the following method is responsible for genetic recombination and nuclear reorganization?
1) Plasmotomy 2) Gemmation 3) Multiple Fission 4) Conjugation

9. During conjugation of vorticella, the microconjugant would be formed by the process of:
1) Longitudinal binary fission
2) Transverse binary fission
3) Multiple fission
4) Plasmotomy

10. Undulatory movement of the flagellum from base to the tip results in:
1) Pulling the organism forward
2) Pushing the organism backward
3) Pulling the organism backward
4) Pushing the organism forward

11. Ciliates show:
1) 9+4 organization of microtubules in their cilia.
2) zones of gelation and solation during locomotion.
3) undulatory movements by cilia
4) newromotor system.

12. Match the items of both colums correctly.
Column I Column II
(Name of organism) (Number of flagella)
1. Giardia a) one
2. Ceratium b) many
3. Trypnosoma c) two
4. Trichonympha d) eight
The correct answer is:
1) 1-c; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a 2) 1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a
3) 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b 4) 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d

13. This type of prendopodium in the protozoans exhibits monopudial condition.
1) Lobopodium 2) Axopodium 3) Filopodium 4) Myxopudium

14. Abount conjugation in Vorticella, what are the correct statements?
i) only microconjugant acquires a girdle of aboral citia during the process of conjugation.
ii) Only genetic recombination occurs in both nuclei of vorticella after completion of conjugation.
iii) Exactly seven macro nuclei are formed in the zygote as a result of post – zygotic nuclear divisions.
The correct answer is:
1) i and iii 2) ii and iii 3) i and ii 4) only i

15. Read the following structuras of Euglena:
a) Nuclers b) Flagella
c) Chloroplasts d) Stigma
e) Paraflagellar body.
Which of above structurs are retained by one of the two daughter individuals of Euglena during binary fission?
Choose the correct answer:
1) c, d, and e 2) a, c, and e 3) a and b 4) ‘b’ only

KEY : 1-3; 2-1; 3-3; 4-4 5-4; 6-3; 7-2; 8-4; 9-1; 10-2; 11-4; 12-3; 13-1; 14-1; 15-4.

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