B.Tech or M.Tech in CABM – Commercial Agriculture and Business Management

Agriculture has evolved in to agribusiness and has become a vast and complex system that reaches for beyond the farm to include all those who are involved in bringing food and fiber to consumers. Agribusiness include not only those that farm the land but also the people and firms that provide the inputs (for ex. Seed, chemicals, credit etc.), process the output (for ex. Milk, grain, meat etc.), manufacture the food products (for ex. ice cream, bread, breakfast cereals etc.), and transport and sell the food products to
consumers (for ex. restaurants, supermarkets).

Scope of Agribusiness:

It was already indicated that agribusiness is a complex, system of input sector, production sector, processing manufacturing sector and transport and marketing sector. Therefore, it is directly related to industry, commence and trade, Industry is concerned with the production of commodities and materials while commerce and trade are
concerned with their distribution.


Industry refers to the processes of extraction and production of goods meant for final consumption or use buy individual or buy another industry for its production. Thus goods used by the final or ultimate consumers are called “consumer goods” such as edible oils, fruit jams, papaya, pickles etc.

Specialized Courses in India:

In India various national level Institutes are offering specialized agribusiness courses such as IIMs, College of Agribusiness Management (CABM) of G.B. Pant University, PUMBA and others. The job prospects are quite good in this sector and large agri business companies like Monsanto, ITC have regular recruitments.

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